Medien/ Presse
Ultimate Cell - Neuigkeiten

In den Medien und auf Websites veröffentlichte Nachrichten über die Ultimate Cell-Technologie und was damit im Zusammenhang steht. 

Die Bundesregierung muss ihr Klimaschutzprogramm nachschärfen. Das entschied das Oberverwaltungsgericht Berlin-Brandenburg. Die bisher aufgelisteten Maßnahmen reichten nicht aus, um die Klimaziele zu erreichen, urteilten die Richter und gaben damit zwei Klagen der Deutschen Umwelthilfe statt...

Das Urteil: Der mangelnde Klimaschutz der Schweiz habe die klagenden Seniorinnen in ihren Menschenrechten verletzt. Das Urteil müsse nun von der Schweizer Regierung direkt umgesetzt werden, so Gsteiger. Denn höchstinstanzliche Urteile des EGMR seien verbindlich. Das Ministerkomitee des Europarats werde darüber wachen. Wie die Schweiz ihre Ziele zu erreichen hat, liess der Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte offen...

UTIS is proud to be featured in this month’s edition of Exame Portugal regarding the Awards received for the Biggest and Best SMEs of 2023.
This recognition shows we are on the right path, enabling a safe and efficient energy transition...

UTIS’s main commitments are to invest in technological research, qualified labour and sustainable practices to guarantee a better and fairer world, whether environmentally, socially or economically. With a strong commitment from top management in this regard, we seek to operate, in our facilities and our customers’ factories, continually seeking sustainability by international laws, standards, regulations and certifications, applying state-of-the-art environmental management systems. generation...

After 2020, UTIS was again distinguished as the best SME and this time, doubly: the best SME operating in the Metalworking and Basic Metallurgy activity sector, as well as the big winner of the initiative that distinguishes “the best of the best ” Small and Medium-sized Companies in the Country in 2023 (Referring to 2022, last year with complete results)...

UTIS is present, this week from 9 to 11 May, in Rotterdam for the World Hydrogen Summit and Exhibition! Organized by the Sustainable Energy Council (SEC) is organising the World Hydrogen 2023 Summit & Exhibition in partnership with Provincie Zuid-Holland, Gemeente Rotterdam and Port of Rotterdam. The World Hydrogen...

We are proud to announce that UTIS has been certified by ABS Quality Evaluations, Inc. and found to be in conformance with the requirements set forth by ISO 9001:2015. The company UTIS – Ultimate Technology to Industrial Savings, Lda, in December 2022, was certified by ABS Quality Evaluations,...

It is a great pleasure to announce that UTIS joined the United Nations Global Compact Network Portugal on its journey towards sustainable transition. As UTIS is a company whose services and products have a direct impact and results in improving the sustainability of our customers, our culture as an organization remains alert and...

Inaugurated in October 2022, the new UTIS manufacturing plant was born to respond to the increased global need for innovative energy solutions by boosting our production and meeting the accelerated, growing international demand for our hydrogen technology. With a total plant area of over 20,000 sqm and a production...

UTIS – Ultimate Technology to Industrial Savings is pleased to announce it has completed the acquisition of Ultimate Power, a Portuguese company with groundbreaking technologies in the fields of internal combustion optimization and hydrogen production. This transaction is a key step toward fulfilling UTIS’ vision to improve energy efficiency...

A partnership was signed between Brazilian group CSN, CSN Inova, and the Portuguese company UTIS to develop innovative technology for the steel sector. CSN Inova, the innovation branch of the CSN Group, signed a partnership with the Portuguese company UTIS to develop an innovative solution for applying green hydrogen...

What are the UTIS goals for 2022? “With the goals of carbon neutrality in Europe in 2050, a challenge is opened for a company like UTIS, which encourages research with the aim of having a leading place in this emergency of decarbonization, therefore, it anticipates future needs, to increase...

HeidelbergCement, (, one of the largest cement groups globally, and the Portuguese company UTIS – Ultimate Technology to Industrial Savings ( on March 21, 2021, signed a Global Framework Agreement for Products and Services to implement UTIS technology in Heidelberg’s cement plants. UTIS’ patented technology results in the Optimization...

AICEP Portugal Global, Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal, in its International Campaign “Portugal Open for Business”

In order to provide an excellent After-Sales Service, UTIS implemented an online monitoring system (platformACCEPT,, which guarantees the monitoring of all equipment installed worldwide, through independent VPN connections. Real-time monitoring of the performance of all installed UC3 systems and the collection of their process parameters are essential. The...

UltimatePower has been a reference both on a national and international scale as one of the Portuguese startup companies... 

As a result of several months of R&D, the Portuguese company Ultimate Power conceived and designed the project for... 

Ultimate Power was invited by the news channel SIC for an Exclusive Interview, by the award-winning journalist Catarina Neves.... 

AICEP Portugal Global, Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal, in its International Campaign “Portugal Open for Business”

The German TV Channel ZDF broadcast a report on the Energy Transition in Portugal in which the National Hydrogen... 

Skanska arbeitet nun mit der UTIS-Lieferkette zusammen, um den Einsatz der Wasserstoffzellentechnologie zu erweitern.

Two predominant measures to decrease fossil fuel impacts on Climate Change, and to reduce Energy Cost within the commercial sectors, are currently considered top priority.

The European Commission has launched the outlines of hydrogen strategies for a climate-neutral Europe and for the integration of the European Union’s energy systems.

This year was the sixth time that Madeira received the award for Best Island Destination of Europe in the WTA and the first that an Ultimate Cell was installed in a Taxi of Autonomous Region of Madeira.

Ultimate Cell is news in the Correio da Manhã newspaper - Very proud of the article in Correio da Manhã on the 3rd of November - Technology: Portuguese invention that can change the world. Portuguese engineers use hydrogen to make combustion greener.


Videos über die Ultimate Cell-Technologie.

Alles dreht sich um Energie! by Thomas Seis
Exklusiv-Vertrieb von Ultimate Power in der Schweiz, Österreich, Liechtenstein und Deutschland
Stockstrasse 8, CH-9444 Diepoldsau/SG
Tel.: +41 (0) 77 964 03 34
info (at)